Welcome to the Stemmers Run Middle School Parent Teacher Student Association (SRMS PTSA)
Only $10.68
Donate at: https://fspta-00016350.memberhub.com/store/items/707804 or use the QR Code below

Donations help fund student field trips, student activities, student pie runs, etc.
We are a group of dedicated parents, teachers and staff who really want to make this school a better place for our students!
Our Shared Mission:
We wish to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
Board Positions:
Secretary: [email protected]
Social Media Chair: [email protected]
Treasurer: [email protected]
Meeting Times and Activities
Monthly Board Meetings will take place on the second Wednesday of every month at 6 pm in the library (calendar permitting). The PTSA is looking into creative ways we can bring educational and thought provoking activities to our children during the school year.
For information about participating in upcoming PTSA events or for any questions, please email us.
Please consider joining the PTSA! We need your support and can’t do it without you.
Follow us on Facebook.